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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Various control loops for stirred tank reactor, furnaces and distillation columns

1. Various control loops for continuous  stirred tank reactor
Figure: Control loop configuration for the CSTR.


Figure: Control loop configuration for the CSTR.


Figure: Control loop configuration for the CSTR.

Figure: Control loop configuration for the CSTR.


Figure: Control loop configuration for the CSTR.

2. Control of furnaces.

Figure: Control system with three single loops.

Figure: Cascade control system to regulate the temperature of a process stream leaving the furnace.

3. Control of distillation columns.

Figure: Distillation column with six single-loop control systems.


Figure: Distillation column with single-loop and cascade control systems.

Note: Click on the image to get an enlarged view.

Article Source:: Dr. Alexander Badalyan, University of South Australia


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