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Basics of Instrumentation & Control
Turbidity meters
Very often it is necessary to measure the amount of solids suspended in fluids. In this...Flame ionisation detectors (analysers)
Another type of a gas detector is widely used not only in the gas chromatography, but as a...Thermal conductivity gas analysers
One of the simplest and earliest method for measurement of composition of binary gas mixtures is a...
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Pressure : Introduction
Pressure is defined as force per unit area. It is usually more convenient to use pressure...Capacitance pressure transducers
Fig. 14 presents a transducer for sensing and transmitting differential pressure. Pressures to...Piezoelectric pressure transducers
The principle of these pressure transducers is based on the well-known phenomenon, that when...
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Ultrasound flowmeters
This method is based on the relationship between the flowrate of the stream and the velocity of...Turbine flowmeters
These flowmeters refer to velocity measurement devices, since the action (rotation) of their...Venturi flow nozzle
There is another modification of the variable differential pressure technique for flowrate...
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Nucleonic devices : Level
The phenomenon of reducing the intensity of gamma radiation when passing through liquids or...Ultrasonic devices : Level
The operational principle of these devices is based on the phenomenon of reflection of...Conductance devices : Level
These instruments are used when there is a necessity of liquid control at one specific point or...
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Instrumentation for Temperature Measurement
Temperature is a physical quantity that is a measure of hotness and coldness on a numerical...Optical and radiation pyrometers
Pyrometer is a device which uses the relationship between the electromagnetic radiation...Thermistors Basics
If semiconductors or heat-treated metallic oxides (oxides of cobalt, copper, iron, tin,...
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Analytical Instrumentation
Turbidity meters
Very often it is necessary to measure the amount of solids suspended in fluids. In this...Flame ionisation detectors (analysers)
Another type of a gas detector is widely used not only in the gas chromatography, but as a...Thermal conductivity gas analysers
One of the simplest and earliest method for measurement of composition of binary gas mixtures is a...
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Analytical Instrumentation
Control elements
Flow Meters
Instrumentation Career
P and I Diagram
Process Control
Process Control Systems
Virtual Instrumentation